The Deposits section of the dashboard will reflect your bank account credit (deposit) or debit (withdrawal) activity.
Deposit activity is sorted by Date and will reflect the activity on your bank statement. Other columns include:
- Type: Deposit or Reversal. A deposit is a credit to your account and a reversal is a debit from your account.
- Status: Processed, Declined, or Rejected. Processed deposits or reversals were successful transactions and you can expect to see that activity reflected on your bank statement. Declined depository transactions indicates the bank account associated with your Processing Account did not pass account verification. For Rejected deposits or reversals, please read 'why was my deposit or reversal rejected'.
- Amount: The amount deposited or reversed.
- Bank Account: The last four digits of your bank account.
- Account: Your Processing Account
Similar to the Payments Section, this dashboard is searchable, sortable by date range, filterable and exportable using the options at the top of the dashboard screen.
In the three dots menu at the top:
- Customized Export: Choose the data you'd like to have included in your export.
- Detailed Export: Choose the Processing Account and the date range. The export will show a detailed breakdown based on these parameters.